May the love last forever....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 8, 2010

It has been awhile...

Cepat sungguh masa berlalu.. pejam celik pejam celik, sekolah hanya tinggal lagi 2 minggu.. i'm not looking for holidays this year as i have to invigilate for a month long. biasenye, diwaktu-waktu mcm ni byk dateline yg nk kene kejar... especially marking final exam paper. alhamdulillah i'm done with that a week ago.. so i just need to complete the analysis items, pelan strategik dan segala jenis laporan yg skolah nak... and i might use up my hols to upgrade my spbt room apart from invigilating.. cuti ni mcm akan jadi cuti yg x best je.. huhuhu.. ape kan daya dah nasib..

Now, let's put aside the not-so-looking forward holiday. Just wanna share how I spent my Deepavali weekend.. I spent the whole 3 days baking and decorating cake and cupcakes.. For the 1st time I got orders of a cake and 60 cuppies decorated with both fondant and butter cream. Luckily my sister, Amalia who's studying in Seremban came down to JB to lend a hand.

The first order was from my sister-in-law, Kak Ati. She asked me to bake a cake for my niece's 1st birthday. She said any cake and design will do. Actually, I've been longing to try baking and decorating a doll and I decided to take this opportunity to try this. It was quite challenging as you need to get the skirt rite as well as decorating the doll itself. Alhamdulillah, I managed to complete the cake. There are flaws here and there but I think it is quite good (mcm angkat bakul masuk sendiri je ni :P).

But the most challenging of all was when we need to deliver the cake to Bandar Penawar, a 1 hour and half drive from my place. And mind you, the road is not like a highway. It's a trunk road passing by Felda Ayer Tawar. So i had to hold the cake on my lap in a cooler box and prayed the cake will arrive safely. And again, Alhamdulillah, we reached Bandar Penawar safely.
Here are some pics of the doll cake...

The next project was 30 cuppies with fondant toppers. These were ordered by a collegue of mine. I took this opportunity to try something new with the fondant. With my sister's help we managed to produce some new designs that we have not tried before. Enjoy the pics below:

The last order was also from a collegue of mine. She ordered 30 S-size cuppies with buttercream for her class party. I just did a simple design with each and everyone's name on the cupcake. I heard the students love them. Some even don't want to eat them. They said, "Sayang la cikgu nak makan... "

Hope I'll get more chance to practice my skills. Thanks to those who ordered. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

lama gila...

lama gila aku tak menulis dalam blog ni... tatau la.. mebi tak berkesempatan nak menulis kot....

lately, aku cam rase aku ni kadang2 tak cukup duit lak... hehehhe... tatau le pahal.... pastu, bile cite kat kawan2, ramai la yg cakap, 'ko join la ****bulk ni, bagus tu, bnyk gile dpt duit...." yg sorg ni cakap, join la bisnes online la itu la ini la....

kadang2 aku pikir gak, klau betul la semua ni senang gile dapat duit... main ribu riban gaban seminggu, nape tak suh warga2 fakir miskin tu wat? mesti diorg leh kuar dari kemiskinan tu n tade dah org miskin tegar kat malaysia ni....

hehe... ape2 pun, tu just pandangan aku... aku tak minat betul la menda2 camtu...bagi aku, nak bisnes tu, buat la yg betul2.... bukan men carik downline2 ke ape ke.... cam menindas la.... korg pikir la sendri...

aku skrg dalam proses nak membikin buku ni.... tapi idea tak dtg sgt lagi... sedang berusaha dgn gigih gak la.... walaupun story line dah ade sket2, tapi aku sgt merasakan yang aku perlu utk perbaiki lagi menda2 yg patut n idea yg ada tu perlu kukuhkan lagi...

dah la, aku nak sambung pikir idea nak menulis buku tu.... :P

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

specially for my students...

Setelah sekian lama tertunggak.. akhirnya berjaya jugak curi masa utk wat these cuppies. I promised my students.. if they got A for English in the previous mid-year exam, they'll get a reward... So this is the reward - choc moist cuppies, topped with choc buttercream with individual names using fondant n gumpaste. Niat asal mcm nk buat sthg lbh menarik.. tp bcoz of time constraint plus tgh kering idea ms buat ni.. ni aje la yg dpt.. hope my kids like them...

Monday, July 12, 2010

hasil semasa...

Sekian lama x update blog.. just wanna share some of my latest so-called artwork..

orange choc chip
butter cream deco

orange choc chip juge
fondant + buttercream deco

khas for leny
cupcake hantaran

my first cuppies for hantaran
requested by azuan

vanilla choc chip
buttercream deco

the most wanted oreo cheese cake :p

Sunday, June 27, 2010

bila sendiri

hurmm...lame dah tk jenguk blog...

ni dah dok sorg2 ni.... mula la boring...

tetibe aku terpikir... cam ni la rasenye ek aisha duk sorg2 seminggu aku tade kat umah... sian gile aku rase... sedih n sayu je... nak pulak baru je bace blog along tadi... ttg isteri tuh... adeh la...

aku kadang2 rase sedih sgt .... tapi aku bangga sgt dgn wife aku... die mampu tempuhi semua ni tanpa merungut pun.... sejak kawen, tak penah lagik rase aku kitorg ni dpt la nak gi keje same2 pagi2... dapat merasai hari2 bekerja same2.... haishh....

hari ni die gi camping... aku esok pagi2 bute baru gerak... (skola aku sesi petang ok esok... jgn salah angggap aku ponteng lak... so sempat sgt aku sampai skola b4 12 noon....)

to my wife... i really hope u can bear all dis... im so sorry klau tak dpt nak tolong ke teman ke, dengar luahan rase tak puas hati bile awak balik keje ke... ape2 la... semua nya awak kene wat sorg2... so sorry...

god... i really2 miss her now....... ya Allah, ko selamatkan isteriku sepanjang perkhemahan die... selamatkan lah perjalanan pergi dan pulangnya... kerana aku akan setia menanti kepulangannya jumaat nanti....amiin...

Friday, April 23, 2010

cake , cake , and cake again ~~

Alhamdulillah minggu ni murah rezeki. Dalam 1 minggu ni dapat 3 order untuk choc moist cake. x pernah lagi wat rally baking n deco cake camni. the most tiring was wednesday and thursday when i have to bake n deco the cakes 2 days in a row. Balik skolah dh around 6. so in those 2 days, i finished making the cake around 12 midnight.. pheww.. so, sori la if hasil kerja x memuaskan hati coz by that time mate pn dh half-open.. hehe.. here are the pictures of this week's orders:

Ni rupa kek yang belum didecorate..

yang ni diorder untuk makan2.. suke2 je wat love theme

yang ni lak untuk si kecil aida for her 4th birthday.
kek ni around 2.5 kg.. garden theme

Monday, April 19, 2010

goodness gracious.. it has been such a long time i havent post something here.. owh bizi yg amat ..kononnye la.. bz ngan ape pn xtau.. a lot of things happened through out the months.. events after events at skool and of course our wedding anniversary.. pejam celik pejam celik.. dah setahun rupanya kitorg kawen.. semoga terus berkekalan, dirahmati Allah selalu dan dimurahkan rezeki.. Amiin..

hurm ape yg nk dikongsi ek? sekarang ni muke dh hitam hasil drpd 2 hari sun bathing di mssd bola tampar. my girls x menang.. well i didnt expect them to.. but they hv shown what they are capable of and with more practice and exposure they will be the champion one day.. insyaAllah.. tu pn kalo cikgu die masih kuat semangat n x demotivated la.. hoho :P sneak peak at mssd bola tampar.. tgk la degree kehitaman wajah2 kami.

Lately ni.. aku makin gila mem'baking' n mendeko cake.. tp mmg blajar sendiri2 r.. try n error... ni antara hasil kerja yg latest.. skrg ni dlm proses menghasilkan n mendeko using fondant... wish me luck peeps :)

owye.. next wikend kene gi camping kat selai-bekok.. a place i believe is at the other end where hubby is teaching.. it has been nearly 8 years since i last went for a camping.. byk brg yg tade.. masuk gaji ni terpaksa la shopping kelengkapan camping... huhuhu.. ape ek nk kene ada for camping?